What is #Eimaste1?

A new academic year, 

With #Eimaste1!


Critical thinking




      Based on UNESCO’s 4 pillars of education and with recognition as UN Good Practices (helping to achieve the SDGs), #WeAreOne (Caring for Life Education), offers primary school teachers, training and materials, aimed at developing socio-emotional skills and critical thinking of students – among many other things. Children learn to know the world, sense the world and at the same time, learn how to participate in it as global citizens. 

Research has shown that students who take part in Social Emotional Learning curriculums such as #Eimaste1, display:

• Feelings of empowerment and better coping mechanisms 

• Improvements in classroom behaviour

• Better social skills

• Reduced aggressive outbursts and bullying 

• Higher self esteem and lower stress levels

We believe that these qualities, in turn, nurture the wellbeing of our children. Later in life, these skills and values can translate into reduced rates of domestic violence, lower drug and alcohol abuse, better academic results and a more satisfying and compassionate lifestyle. 

On October 20th, we invite all teachers of primary school education to take part in an introductory presentation of #WeAreOne before they decide whether they wish to participate in a 5week online training.

Those who participate in the online training held by OMÚ, will have the opportunity to explore and study a pioneering course that teaches children HOW to think and not WHAT to think, how to cooperate with others and respect life in its entirety while actively participating in matters that concern all of us.

The 6year curriculum helps children develop core values such as respect, compassion and empathy for people, animals and the environment. 

Join us

For a society where 

The exploitation of humans, 

animals and the environment

 is history