CFL Education Curriculum F&G cover

Almost there…

In order for the Ministry of Education to examine the lesson ‘Caring for Life Education’ (CFL), a folder with paperwork needs to be submitted. Apart from the obvious application forms, introductions and bios of people involved, much of the materials also need to be submitted for review by end of June. As a result, our work in the past couple of months has focused almost entirely on translation and design. 

Caring for Life Education Curriculum Framework and Guidelines has been successfully translated into Greek (from ACTAsia‘s original version) and printed. 

Many thanks to:

Dorina Tataraki for the design

Maria Franz Voreadis for primary translation

Elina Belivanaki for secondary translation

Konstantinos Karouzakis and Charis Kokkiadi for translation of lesson plans

Kypriana Christodoulou and Natassa Nistikaki for overall support

The final Greek book can be found online here.

Moving on to the translation of 5 sample lesson plans now…